Thank you to the teams and colleagues
who participated in Keelung Bridge Tower!


We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the Keelung Bridge Tower project. After years of dedication, hard work, and collaboration, we are proud to see this landmark standing tall, a testament to the collective effort of all involved.

  • Design 設計: 2017-2019
  • Start of Construction 動土: 2019.09
  • End of Construction 完工: 2023.12
  • 結構: 信業工程顧問有限公司 Hsin-Yeh Engineering Consultants Inc.
  • 機電: 棣頂工程顧問有限公司
  • 營造廠: 義力營造股份有限公司 Earth Power
  • CIS: 水越設計 AGUA Design
  • AxB Team Members: 楊勝安 張劭熙 陳芷瑄 蘇姿宇 胡培捷 張哲毓 黃左安 王韋智 顏小巽

About "Keelung Bridge Tower"



垂直豎道與水平廊道,簡單有力的連結山與海、自然與都市,透過一個媒介讓基隆人重新認識基隆,同時也讓旅人認識這充滿歷史與活力的港都特色。 山為主普壇、海為基隆市,二者若以 A 和 B 代表,X 則為似塔似橋的串連媒介,透過垂直豎道將人帶上水平通廊再接至主普壇後方。此發想來自基隆港隨處可見的起重吊車,一座運送貨物至城市,另一座則將人潮引至山上。






Keelung is a city by the harbor. It is a city interwoven with winding roads and rolling hills. It is a maze-like city with complex lanes and hidden alleys. The entrance to the “Bridge Tower” is hidden within the alleys and lanes of Keelung. It is a vertical shortcut that brings pedestrians up behind Zhu-Pu Altar which sits on top of Hope Hills. The Tower is a convenient path for tourists and residents to climb up and down the mountain and will certainly become an important attraction to see the city, the mountains and the sea.


The mountain and sea, or nature and urban, is directly connected by a vertical shortcut and a horizontal walkway. Through this interface, residents of Keelung are able to see a new facet of their city, and tourists will be able to learn about the history and vibrancy of the harbor city. The mountain represents Zhupu Altar, while the sea represents Keelung City. If these two entities are defined by A and B, then the interface (the Bridge Tower) between the two is X. Our inspiration for the Bridge Tower comes from the nearby cranes which line Keelung Port. One construct delivers goods into the city, while the other transports people upon the hill.


There is a sunny triangular plaza amidst the winding roads and mountainous city of Keelung. A curved but gentle slope guides us into this hidden lot by the foot of the hill. The void space alleviates the tensions of the city, yet simultaneously it contains Keelung’s vigorous energy. On the weekends, the roar of a market can be heard, and on weekdays, there is not a soul to make a sound. The renewal of the urban identity begins from rallying crowds to form a creative force. This project symbolizes the vigor found in a postmodern harbor city.


A horizontal city museum is suspended fifty meters high above ground. Its scenic windows are set an angle to face the different sights of Keelung. Some popular destinations such as the Big Buddha, the cruise ships by the harbor and the rolling mountains to the South East of the city are able to seen from this vantage point. We attempt to capture and condense the best sights of Keelung within this suspended gallery.






1F.No.29 Lane165 GuangFu N. Rd.Taipei 105016, Taiwan

+886 2 2766 0589

© 2020, AxB Architecture Studio